Kangoo will be to Zumba what Amazon was to Borders: a disruptive technology.
In case you're not familiar with disruptive technology, the term was first coined by Clayton Christianson, a Harvard professor who penned the best-selling business book entitled, 'The Innovator's Dilemma'. In it, he described not only how business models such as Amazon's were disrupting the status quo, but also what executives could do to ensure their organizations weren't prone to being Amazoned (I know all this because we publicized the book. Thank you very much).
At any rate, I know a disruptive technology when I see one and Kangoo is the real deal. All it lacks is an aggressive marketing campaign.
Kangoo already possesses a brilliant role model in Mario Godiva.
I've worked with Mario, and one of his top associates, Eric Daniels ([email protected]). Together, they've completely disrupted my prior training regimen, and the way in which I think about wellness.
Mario's led Kangoo dance and fitness classes as well as Kangoo runs with many of my fellow employees at Peppercom. And, Eric's working with some of my associates on their overall wellness programs.
In my case, I've literally stopped using sneakers to run long distance. I now do it in Kangoos. And, the training by Mario and Eric provides a post workout high that rivals the very best laughing gas in the world (I know my way around the dentist's chair).
But, here's why Kangoo will disrupt Zumba and other FOD's (fads of the day). Kangoo was originally designed to help people recover from back and knee injuries. The rebounding/running boots reduce 80 percent of the pressure on one's knees and lower back while simultaneously engaging the core.
It's an amazing balancing act that has captivated kids from eight to 80. I say again, kids from eight to 80.
Kangoo is both intense and a blast. And, unlike Zumba, there's no post workout joint pain. And, there my friends, is the rub. One gets a high without any residual pain. That's disruptive.
I was running five miles in my Kangoo boots just this morning. As I rounded a corner, a guy yelled out, 'Hey, isn't that cheating?' I smiled and said, 'If it is, then I'm the Lance Armstrong of the hood because I love cheating in my Kangoo boots.'
Try them. You'll like them.
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